Comment activer



Manuel de l'utilisateur

Comment activer mon iTop VPN VIP?

Si vous vous êtes déjà connecté à iTop VPN, votre compte sera automatiquement mis à jour vers un compte VIP dans les 30 minutes suivant le traitement de votre commande.

Dans le cas où vous ne vous êtes pas connecté ou si vous utilisez toujours la version gratuite/limitée après avoir terminé la commande depuis une heure déjà, veuillez suivre les étapes ci-dessous pour activer votre iTop VPN VIP :

1. Cliquez ici pour télécharger la dernière version d'iTop VPN et installez-la d'abord (si vous avez déjà installé la dernière version, veuillez ignorer cette étape).

2. Ouvrez iTop VPN, cliquez sur l'icône de «Se connecter» en haut à gauche. Ou cliquez sur l'icône Options en haut à droite, puis cliquez sur «Se connecter» pour ouvrir la fenêtre de connexion.

iTop VPN

iTop VPN

Si vous êtes déjà connecté, veuillez cliquer sur l'icône en forme de flèche vers le bas à droite de l'adresse e-mail de votre compte pour vous déconnecter et vous reconnecter.

iTop VPN

3. Entrez votre compte iTop VPN et mot de passe, cliquez sur le bouton Se Connecter.

Remarque : Si vous n'avez pas créé de compte avant d’avoir effectué vos achats, vous recevrez par e-mail votre compte et un mot de passe temporaire après l'achat).

iTop VPN

How to activate iTop VPN Premium on mobile phone?

If you already signed in iTop VPN with an account, your account will be upgraded to VIP account automatically within 30 minutes after your order is successfully processed.

In case you didn’t sign in or you are still using the free / limited version after you completed the order for one hour already, please follow the steps below to sign in with your VIP account:

1. Install the latest version of iTop VPN from Play Store or App Store first (if you have already installed the latest version, please skip this step).

2. Open iTop VPN, tap the top left Options icon.

iTop VPN

3. Tap Sign In to open the Sign In window (If you already signed in, please tap your account email address to sign out and sign in again).

iTop VPN

4. Enter your iTop VPN account and password , tap the Sign In button.

iTop VPN

Comment activer le compte VIP du iTop Private Browser ou mettre à niveau mon compte gratuit en compte VIP ?

Si vous vous êtes déjà connecté à iTop Private Browser avec un compte, votre compte sera automatiquement mis à niveau vers le compte VIP dans les 30 minutes suivant le traitement de votre commande.

Dans le cas où vous ne vous êtes pas connecté ou que vous utilisez toujours la version gratuite / limitée après avoir terminé la commande pendant une heure déjà, veuillez suivre les étapes ci-dessous pour vous connecter avec votre compte VIP :

1. Cliquez ici pour télécharger la dernière version de iTop Private Browser et l'installer (si vous avez déjà installé la dernière version, veuillez sauter cette étape).

2. Ouvrez iTop Private Browser, cliquez sur l'icône de connexion en haut à droite pour ouvrir la fenêtre de connexion.

3. Saisissez votre compte et votre mot de passe du iTop Private Browser, cliquez sur le bouton « Se connecter ».

Note: Si vous n'avez pas créé un compte avant de l'acheter, vous recevrez par e-mail votre compte et un mot de passe temporaire après l'achat.

How do I register my iTop Screen Recorder Free to Pro edition?

Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of iTop Screen Recorder and install it first.

1. Open iTop Screen Recorder Free, click the icon at the top right corner of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and click the Register button to get Pro version.

Please refer to the picture below:

How do I refresh my iTop Screen Recorder Pro with my new/renewal license code?

1. Open iTop Screen Recorder Pro, click the Options icon at top right of the main screen, and select License in the menu.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Click the Refresh text link to open a new registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click the Register button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the picture below:

How do I register my iTop Screen Recorder Free to Pro edition?

Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of iTop Screen Recorder and install it first.

1. Open iTop Screen Recorder Free, click the icon at the top right corner of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and click the Register button to get Pro version.

Please refer to the picture below:

How do I refresh my iTop Screen Recorder Pro with my new/renewal license code?

1. Open iTop Screen Recorder Pro, click the Options icon at top right of the main screen, and select License in the menu.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Click the Refresh text link to open a new registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click the Register button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the picture below:

How do I register my Top Data Protector Free to Pro edition?

Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of Top Data Protector and install it first.

1.Open Top Data Protector, enter your password of Top Data Protector account and click the Log In button.

If this is the first time you open Top Data Protector, please refer to pictures below to create your Top Data Protector account first: enter your email address, set a password, and then click the Create account button.

2. Click the key icon at the top right corner of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and then click the Register button to get the Pro edition.

Please refer to the pictures below:

How do I refresh my Top Data Protector Pro with my new/renewal license code?

1.Open Top Data Protector Pro, enter your password of Top Data Protector account and click the Log In button.

2. Click the Options icon at the top right of the main screen, and select License in the menu.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Click the Refresh text link to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

4. Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click the Register button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the pictures below:

How do I register my Top Data Protector Free to Pro edition?

Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of Top Data Protector and install it first.

1.Open Top Data Protector, enter your password of Top Data Protector account and click the Log In button.

If this is the first time you open Top Data Protector, please refer to pictures below to create your Top Data Protector account first: enter your email address, set a password, and then click the Create account button.

2. Click the key icon at the top right corner of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and then click the Register button to get the Pro edition.

Please refer to the pictures below:

How do I refresh my Top Data Protector Pro with my new/renewal license code?

1.Open Top Data Protector Pro, enter your password of Top Data Protector account and click the Log In button.

2. Click the Options icon at the top right of the main screen, and select License in the menu.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Click the Refresh text link to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

4. Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click the Register button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the pictures below:

How do I register my iTop Data Recovery Free to Pro edition?

Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of iTop Data Recovery and install it first.

1. Open iTop Data Recovery Free, click the icon at the top right corner of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and click the Register button to get Pro version.

Please refer to the picture below:

How do I refresh my iTop Data Recovery Pro with my new/renewal license code?

1. Open iTop Data Recovery Pro, click the Options icon at top right of the main screen, and select License in the menu.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Click the Refresh text link to open a new registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click the Register button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the picture below:

How do I register my iTop Data Recovery Free to Pro edition?

Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of iTop Data Recovery and install it first.

1. Open iTop Data Recovery Free, click the icon at the top right corner of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and click the Register button to get Pro version.

Please refer to the picture below:

How do I refresh my iTop Data Recovery Pro with my new/renewal license code?

1. Open iTop Data Recovery Pro, click the Options icon at top right of the main screen, and select License in the menu.

Please refer to the picture below:

2. Click the Refresh text link to open a new registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

3. Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click the Register button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the picture below:

How to activate DualSafe Password Manager Premium or upgrade free account to Premium?


If you already have an account:

Your account will be upgraded to Premium account automatically within 30 minutes after your order is successfully processed.

If your account is still Free or Guest, you can sign out and sign in your account again to get the Premium.

If you don’t have an account before placing the order:

You will receive an email with your email address as the account and a temporary password, like the picture below:

Note: If the email isn’t in your box, please also check your Spam to see whether it has been filtered there.

Then follow the steps below to activate DualSafe Password Manager
-Click here to download the latest version of DualSafe Password Manager and install it. (If you have already installed the latest version, please skip this step).
-After installed, click Sign In

-Enter into the email address you used in the order and the temporary password you received and click Sign In.

How to activate iTop PDF VIP or upgrade Free account to VIP?


If you already have an iTop PDF account:

Your account will be upgraded to VIP account automatically within 30 minutes after your order is successfully processed.

If your account is still Free, you can log out and log in your account again to get the VIP.

If you don’t have an account before placing the order:

You will receive an email with your email address as the account and a temporary password we set for you, just like the picture below:

Note: If the email isn’t in your inbox, please also check your spam folder to see whether it has been filtered there.

Then follow the steps below to activate iTop PDF VIP:
(1) Click here to download the latest version of iTop PDF and install it. (If you already have it, just skip this step).
(2) Launch the program, and click Log In at the top right corner.

(3)Enter the email address you used in the order and the temporary password you received, then click the Log In button.

How to activate iTop PDF VIP or upgrade Free account to VIP?


If you already have an iTop PDF account:

Your account will be upgraded to VIP account automatically within 30 minutes after your order is successfully processed.

If your account is still Free, you can log out and log in your account again to get the VIP.

If you don’t have an account before placing the order:

You will receive an email with your email address as the account and a temporary password we set for you, just like the picture below:

Note: If the email isn’t in your inbox, please also check your spam folder to see whether it has been filtered there.

Then follow the steps below to activate iTop PDF VIP:
(1) Click here to download the latest version of iTop PDF and install it. (If you already have it, just skip this step).
Launch the program, and click Log In (2) at the top right corner.

(3)Enter the email address you used in the order and the temporary password you received, then click the Log In button.